The office of RAFIK EL KHOURY & PARTNERS was established late in 1967 when
the volume of Consultancy Work carried out by the founder to clients and design
offices in Lebanon and the Middle East could no longer be done without the participation
of a team of specialized engineers working together under one roof and enjoying
the facilities of a modern office with a computer service and a very well documented
technical reference library.
the outset, as is evident from the list of references, the firm has, on the one
hand been involved in the structural designs of delicate architectural projects
where only the full interchange of ideas between architect and engineer could
lead to the success of the venture and, on the other, its involvement in important
engineering and structural designs per se has been considerable.
Structural design, road and bridge design, infrastructure design, the design of
industrial installations and maritime works, project supervision and control including
cost control are some of the firms major fields of activity, enhanced by the extensive
international experience of the founder and engineering staff. The firm has also
been extensively involved in structural steel design and prefabrication.
The firm has been closely involved in major projects both in Lebanon and in the
Middle East, giving it a thorough knowledge of the region sustained by wide-ranging
contacts throughout the Arab World.
The office maintains full time specialist engineers in the main fields of activities
To satisfy the demands of its clients, the services of the office have been extended
to include Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical works.
The firm has experience in contracts funded by major funding agencies such as
World Bank, European Union, European Investment Bank, Overseas Economic Cooperation
Fund, Saudi Fund for Development and others.